Maurice Lippens must be the hated person in Belgium. As he’s seen as the major responsible for the near bankruptcy of Fortis, earl Lippens has been facing an ongoing flow of criticism, also of his recent interview with De Tijd. Isn’t it time to cut Mr. Lippens some slack? Have we forgotten about stockholders & speculators, rating agencies, governments, financial supervisors and the many others who are partially responsible for the Fortis affair?
Mathias Wambeke.
Mathias Wambeke.
1 opmerking:
Clear focus and single messgae
S2 a bit too heavy
Mind accuracy issues
S1: the most hated person
S2: 'een verantwoordelijke' wordt in het Engels 'the person/manager/director/player/actor... responsible'
S2: also for his recent interview...
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