Although there are many negative aspects, saving accounts have never been as successful in Belgium as now. In less than one year more than 25 billion euro has been deposited in saving account; that’s an increase of more than 15 percent. Because of the crisis customers are rather pessimistic and want to convene in intradefensive products they know, like deposit accounts. But savers don’t take in mind that the interest has never been as low as now, financial institutions don’t do promotional actions anymore, and because of the expected inflation, their money will devaluate. That is why people should better invest in other financial actives.
Sanne Delbecke
1 opmerking:
Clear single message but too many errors at this level
Title: undeservedly (adverb)
S2: in saving accounts
S3: because of the crisis,... (add a comma)
S3: awkward choice of words: 'convene'
S4: don't take into account
S4: no 'the' before 'interest'
S4: devalue
S5: people had better invest...
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