dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Eureopean banks are resistant to a new crisis.

A stress test for the banking sector CEBS, has been announced which would allow banks to survive, even when economic growth decreases or the unemployment rate leaps. This survival would be made possible by government injections although banks all together would still have a loss of 400 miljard euros. ECB-president, Jean-Claude Trichet, says the results are encouraging, however, critics think the tests are meaningless.

Vervondel Laurent, Group 8.
Source: http://www.fd.nl/artikel/13344999/europese-banken-kunnen-nieuwe-crisis

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Clear single message but mind the implications of what you write: S1

S1: content: the test doesn't allow banks to survive, it tests whether they have the means to do so (nuance)
S2: 400 billion euros