donderdag 1 oktober 2009

Time makes money

Managers will have to wait a little longer before they receive their complete bonus in the future. The goverment wants big bonusses to be spread in time. This way they try to avoid that managers earn excessively much while their company suffers. Soon, managers will have to work 2 or 3 years before they'll receive their complete bonus. Also, in time, there will be a sort of contractual "claw back", which means that if the objectives aren't obtained, managers will have to lose part of their bonusses. According to the so-called "Corporate Governance" idea, this all seems pretty logical. People who invest a lot of their time in their job, will earn more. Time makes money.

Torsten Van Gossum

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S2: bonuses

Assignment: Four sentences. Your text has good flow, but it is easier to achieve that if you use more sentences.