dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Wooden Cash

The bank that lends string instruments instead of money to musicians. MIB (Musical Instrument Bank) survives on donations and loans. MIB gives every year instruments away for three years threw a competition, giving young people a chance and a lifetime experience. Those instruments that MIB holds are worth millions of dollars from an investing point of view!

Louise De Tremerie


1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Original point of view and clear message, but too many errors at this level.

S1: no verb in the main sentence; could function as a subtitle but not as a topc sentence
S2: short simple sentence: ok if it follows longer and complicated sentences, but here it follows an already incomplete sentence
S3: to give awa is not the same as to lend
S3: through a competition
S3: Dutch positioning of sentence elements - better:
Every year, MIB lends/loans...
S3: once-in-a-lifetime experience; a lifetime experience is an experience that lasts a full life
S4: the instruments that MIB holds are worth... OR these instruments are worth...