dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Are the Lehman Brothers really into giving assets back?

Today, there came an announcement that the Lehman Brothers, PricewaterhouseCoopers is drawing up a plan to give assets back (worth about more than 17 billion dollars) to the creditors.

Pwc’s has originally a scheme to refund the assets, but it was unallowed by the High Court in August because there was no certainty that could win the confidence of the creditors.

Now, PwC has created a new plan by a contracutal agreement in the banking world to return billions of dollars of assets to all investors.

If PwC will fail, the negociations will soon begin with the creditors who can clame assets until the end of this year.

An-Sofie Van Parys


1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Un-English structures and the high number of accuracy errors hamper flow. Good single focus on PWC and good single message.

S1: Dutch sentence structure: Today, an announcement was made...
S1: mixing up two sentences into one ungrammatical sentence: that the Lehman brothers + verb + rest, Linking word PWC is drawing up...
S1: worth about $17bn OR worth more than $17bn
S2: PWC originally [word order] had [tense] a scheme to...
S2: unallowed - overruled/dismissed
S2: no certainty that it could win...

S4: I PWC fail [no 'will' in the condition part]
S4: negotiations
S4 claim