dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Let's pay more for cleaning!

A recent report made by Ideal Consult declares that the price of service checks can be raised. While the average wage for ‘moonlighting-cleaners’ is 8.6 euro an hour, we must pay the small price of 7.5 euro for one service check. This report also shows that without financial deductions and the tax credit, a service check costs us only 5.25 euro, which most users don’t even take into account. Ideal Consult concludes that omitting financial deductibility wouldn’t bother us and so, by using a bit more expensive service checks , the battle against moonlighting would still remain.

Lien Vermeulen

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Clear single message.

Mind the switch in subjects from 'objective reporting' to 'we/us'

S1: declares - states
S2: must - have to
S3: without - with??
S4: would still go on.