maandag 5 oktober 2009

European banks reliable again

The European banks are cured of their financial problems! 10 months ago some banks were in very big problems and many people were afraid of losing the money they were saving. Now the ECB (European Central Bank) has tested 22 banks in Europe, with the conclusion that most of the European banks are ready for another crisis. The result of this test is another step to set right the credibility of the banks, but there is still one remarque: how can European banks trust each other if the ECB doesn’t want to tell which banks are healthy again?

Dries Van Renterghem


1 opmerking:

Steff zei

Good title and nice question to end. Flow ok, thanks to back reference (this...)

Occasional wordy constructions: the result of the test is another step...

S2: never start a sentence with a numeral: Ten months ago...

S3: Now,...
S3: better: ..., concluding that...
S3: better: ... are ablt to cope with another crisis.
S4: remark