maandag 5 oktober 2009

recovery ward

Recovery Ward

Two of Britain’s biggest banks, Royal bank of Scotland (RBS) and Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), are attempting to find new ways to haggle capital from the government. Presently, the banks are negotiating with the government about an ‘asset protection scheme’: the treasury will insure the banks’ bad assets for a currently undetermined fee, to be paid in shares. But the market evolves fast, and the capital is far more easy to raise than it was when the negotiations started, so the banks, who are already partly state-owned, are trying to stump up even more money. The question is if both parities really benefit if the government gets more shares, knowing that private investors are the real key for success.


2 opmerkingen:

EcoEnglish zei

I forgot my name: Dominique Van der Straeten

EcoEnglish zei

Clear focus, good flow.

S4: both parties
S4: knowing that... good style, but here a dangling modifier (= subject of knowing is not the subject of main sentence)