dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Who to blame?

One year has passed since the beginning of the financial crisis and people still blame the banks for the fall of the system instead of examining the errors made by those appointed to check the system for possible cracks. Although a large portion of the responsibility does in fact lie with the banks, enormous errors were also made by the control institutes, turning a blind eye when it came to the irresponsible risks the banks took in the years previous to the collapse. And now that the wounds are being licked and the revival has begun ,those in charge inexplicably turn to the same check systems to prevent the past events from happening again . So , unless we start moving our attention away from the banks and on to the security of the whole system , history will without a doubt repeat itself .

Cora Vandamme

Artikel De Standaard

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Clear message, good flow in complex sentences: well done.