The gold price rose today in Londen to $1.036,30 an ounce, topping the previous record of $1,033.90 in March 2008.
Gold soared on speculation that inflation will accelerate and drop the value of the dollar. The precious metal is tradionally a protection against rising inflation and a depreciation of the dollar. It's not clear if the gold prices will continue rising, this will depend on the sustainability of economic recovery.
Dimitri Bucquoye
1 opmerking:
Good single focus, some language issues line a text with a 'native' feel to it through the use of idiomatic expressions. This creates the impression of appropriate cut and pasting for vocab reasons (which is ok), but which are not always aptly linked to one another. Do correct me if I'm wrong - odp)
S2: awkward: drop the value of the dollar
S4: will continue to rise
S4: sustainability of the economic recovery
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