While the whole financial world is in deep trouble ... Fortis Insurance Belgium organizes an exclusive culinary event for 50 guests in Hôtel de Paris, the most expensive hotel in Monaco. Last week, Fortis presented their guests a dinner in Louis XV, number 8 on the list of the most famous restaurants in the world. The insurance group spended almost € 150.000 to please their guests but underlined that the event was especially for the independent insurance agents who are allied to Fortis. While the reactions on the timing of this "party" didn’t stay off, Fortis reported that the trip was organized months ago and fitted into their commercial actions.
Valerie Van Vooren
(Link: http://www.z24.nl/bedrijven/finance/artikel_34911.z24)
1 opmerking:
Great topic, bit watch out for errors
reactions TO
stay off: uitblijven? Not correct in English. This is Dunglish, Dutch English...
had been organized
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