zondag 12 oktober 2008

sport stars, not left to fend for themselves anymore

BNP Paribas Private Banking took one’s chance with ‘ Etoiles de sport’ ( sport stars) in order to assist young athletes concerning their financial life. Paribas will give them a hand to enter easily into the sports world and advise them about special taxes, specific insurance,… Their objective is to support those young sporting athletes during their careers and afterwards. The bank disposes of their initiative by organizing workshops and individual interviews on 2 annual events: a gathering week at La Plagne and the Summer University. hanne van waes

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Interesting story, though only indirectly related to the set topic
Fine and coherent text, but not always clear and simple enough
no comma needed in title
took one's chance? (not clear what you mean)
concerning ... (not clear)
disposes of their initiative??? (not at all clear) - to dispose of = to get rid of