dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

A safe alternative

With al the bad news from financial markets last weeks, some have found an alternative: the safe! Many people have lost their faith in the banks and the stock markets, so now they want to keep their money “safe” and close to them. Sales of safes have boomed this year, with an average sale of four in a week compared to the one a week from previous years. Although the safe doesn’t provide you with an interest, you’re very sure your money is preserved.


Kristof Huyghe

2 opmerkingen:

the review kiwi zei

Hi there just stumbled upon your blog, and what a neat blog it is! I guess its bad news though if everyone takes their money out of the banks and into safes is it? Have a good one! :)

EcoEnglish zei

Great title, fine text
week (singular)
4/week: in Belgium, worldwide?