dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

The clock strikes $10 trillion

The National Debt Clock has run out of digits, since the national debt level reached the $10 trillion point last month. The clock was constructed in 1989 in order to highlight the $2.7 trillion debt back then. Nowadays, the clock displays an astonishing amount of 10,228,388,628,932 US dollar! Some economists even expect a further increase to a level of $11 trillion, due to the $700 billion bail-out plan for stricken US financial institutions.

Tom Demaecker
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

Great topic, great title, great coherence
a detail: dollarS
I have no access to your source text, but I assume you've rewritten the original in your own words, without any copy-pasting? Well done!