dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Cut down of the Rainforest more expensive than actual financial crisis

The dissapearing of the rainforest, costs the world economy on an annual basis more than the financial crisis in the banks. A study of the European Commission took the economic surplus value of the Rainforest, by clearing water and air, and calculated the total cost for the world economy every year…..They found that the cut down of the Rainforest costs 2 to 5 billion dollar, compared to 1 to 1.5 billion dollar that Wallstreet lost because of the bank crisis. And even worse, not only the environment damage costs a lot more, the expenses are continious and growing every year, without any hysteria like now for the financial crisis…(http://www.metrotime.be/digipapernl.html?pag=16&kdate=)
Lien Merci

2 opmerkingen:

EcoEnglish zei

Great topic - but too many mistakes

Start 1st stce with 'Every year ...' (and leave out 'on an annual basis')
no comma before 'costs'
the 1 to ... (add definite article)
Wall Street
environmental damage

EcoEnglish zei

And 'actual' in the title should be 'current'