dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

Stock market wonder becomes billionaire in only one month!

Most Americans lose all their savings because of the credit crises, but one man has become a lot richer: stock market wonder Warren Buffet. On the first of October, Forbes announced that Bill Gates isn't the richest man in the United States any more but stock broker Warren Buffet has taken his place. Warren claims the secret of his succes is 'buying stocks at the right price'. He is one of few people who have won from America's economic difficulties.

Source: http://www.nieuwsblad.be/Article/Detail.aspx?ArticleID=G7B21NEFO#

Elien De Both

1 opmerking:

EcoEnglish zei

OK! Fine text.
lose --> are losing?
crisis (singular)
but: it's not really a contrast!
won --> benefited